Your pain is unique. So is our treatment.
We want you to get back to your lifestyle.
Dixon Therapy provides the results you need with the personal attention you deserve.
Service Offerings
Service #1: Occupational Therapy
Description / Benefits: If you have been referred to Dixon Therapy by your physician, they will often order occupational therapy treatment. We always make the physician’s order our highest priority in determining your treatment of care.
Service #2: Myofascial Release Therapy
Description / Benefits: Our reputation for Myofascial Release Therapy is well known to locals, so many patients see us specifically for Myofascial Release Therapy to address a variety of issues.
Service #3: Craniosacral Therapy
Description / Benefits: The same is true for Craniosacral Therapy. Many patients seek us out specifically for Craniosacral Therapy, knowing it can make a significance difference in relieving their pain and discomfort.
Service #4: Combined Therapy
Description / Benefits: When delivering the prescribed occupational therapy to our patients, we often see that your pain and discomfort may also be the result of past injuries, traumas or accidents that a combined approach can resolve very effectively. During your initial visit and evaluation, we’ll discuss these options with you.
What to expect during your first visit:
Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out initial paper work. Paper work includes registration information, medical history, HIPPA release form, and financial policy. These forms can be emailed to you in advance if you request.
The initial visit includes:
An interview of your current complaints and medical history including surgeries and accidents.
Treatment of current symptoms.
Instruction on home exercise program. Home exercise program are treatment techniques that you can do at home to improve your progress.
Payment Options at Dixon Therapy
Dixon Therapy is an in-network provider for Medicare and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We accept worker’s compensation and Tricare. Medicaid does not pay for our services.
Please note that Medicare will require a referral for occupational therapy services by a medical doctor, for us to bill medicare for our services.
Payment for copays are expected at the time of services.
We accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards, flex cards, VISA and American Express for payment.
Our billing staff will gladly file your treatment claims and answer your questions that you may have about payment for services.
We also offer flexible payment plans for our clients with large copays and large deductibles.